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Windows 8 Developer Preview Product Key

Windows 8 Devleoper Prieview is reseased by Microsoft and every one want to try Windows 8. Many people have commented in support of the release while some have expressed their dislike for it. For those that want to reinstall it, the product key would be required for the installation.(Download Windows 8 Developer Preview Here)

The product keys listed below would only support the developer preview release as it would not support other upcoming releases.

Keys are:
Windows 8 Developer Preview: 6RH4V-HNTWC-JQKG8-RFR3R-36498
Windows Server 8 Developer Preview: 4Y8N3-H7MMW-C76VJ-YD3XV-MBDKV
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  1. Windows 8 Developer Preview Product Key  
    these keys not work.if u found other keys please mail me at
