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Anonymous warn FBI that they can't be stopped

Out of retirement and back to "work," LulzSec, along with fellow hacker group Anonymous, have expressed displeasure at certain statements made by deputy assistant FBI director Steve Chabinsky in an NPR story. The two groups, in a joint Tweet, said that, despite recent arrests, not only are the two groups not going anywhere, they are not afraid of capture.

The message was pretty clear: you can't stop us. And you can expect more attacks.

It's interesting to note that in late June, LulzSec (full name, Lulz Security) said they were sailing the "Lulz Boat" into the sunset and posted a final dump of data. While not giving a reason for their "retirement," it was speculated at the time that LulzSec was quitting in fear of prosecution.

What set the groups off was a statement by Chabinsky to NPR, one that said: ""We want to send a message that chaos on the Internet is unacceptable, [even if] hackers can be believed to have social causes, it's entirely unacceptable to break into websites and commit unlawful acts."

What Chabinsky is talking about are attacks by LulzSec and Anonymous based on issues such as perceived persecution of WikiLeaks, Arizona's anti-immigration SB1070 law, Rupert Murdoch and his empire, and other such incidents. Their recent hacking campaign is called AntiSec. The two groups say it was begun to take on corruption in government and big business.

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